Notas de la versión de Zabbix 2.1.8

El equipo Zabbix se complace en anunciar la disponibilidad de Zabbix 2.1.8.

Zabbix es una solución de monitoreo distribuido de código abierto y de clase empresarial. Zabbix se publica bajo la GPL, por lo que es gratuito para uso comercial y no comercial. El texto completo de la licencia está disponible en

Este documento contiene las notas de lanzamiento de la versión de Zabbix 2.1.8. Descárgalo desde download.

Las siguientes secciones describen la versión en detalle y proporcionan información reciente u otra información que complementa la documentación principal.

New Features and Improvements

ZBX-6404 Added support for values of type java.lang.Double when toString() returns them in scientific format Java gateway
ZBXNEXT-78 Added support for scientific notation for received values and item multipliers for items of type "Numeric (float)" Proxy Server
ZBXNEXT-1855 Dynamic display of process current activity and statistics in "ps" and "top" Agent Proxy Server
ZBXNEXT-1806 Changed the way nth day and nth week are calculated in maintenances Frontend Server
ZBX-7097 Changed dashboard drag'n'drop widget placeholder color in the dark orange and dark blue themes Frontend
ZBX-1357 Updated Dutch, Finnish, Indonesian, Italian, Lithuanian, Persian, Portuguese (Portugal), Russian and Slovak translations; thanks to Zabbix translators API Frontend

Corrección de errores

ZBX-7105 Fixed performance of housekeeper; improved indexes for table "events"; fixed SQL statements to use the new indexes API Frontend Installation Server
ZBX-7163 Fixed default values for sysmaps.label_location and sysmaps_elements.label_location fields; added NOT NULL constraint to sysmaps_elements.label_location field API Installation
ZBXNEXT-1179 Fixed inconsistency in process activity time logging Agent Proxy Server
ZBX-6362 Fixed proxy select interfaces API
ZBX-7115 Improved data filtering in latest data page Frontend
ZBX-6835 Fixed bug when agent/proxy connection error could have resulted in a wrong warning about message size Proxy Server
ZBX-7164 Fixed trigger and trigger prototype read only fields to no longer change when linking template to host API
ZBX-6760 Improved performance of getting global scripts API Frontend
ZBX-6995 Improved the performance of graph and graph prototype permission checks API Frontend
ZBX-6591 Fixed resolution of IPv4 and IPv6 addresses if DNS hostname is specified as server parameter in configuration file; thanks to Trever L. Adams for patch Agent
ZBX-5374 Removed ONLY directive from PostgreSQL upgrade statements Installation
ZBX-7097 Fixed dashboard drag'n'drop widget placeholder not being displayed in the classic theme Frontend
ZBX-7130 Fixed makefiles to build zabbix_proxy only Installation
ZBX-7055 Fixed displaying OK trigger status in maps Frontend
ZBX-7081 Fixed node drop down being displayed incorrectly in several pop ups Frontend
ZBX-7086 Fixed application mass add from different hosts or templates validation API
ZBX-7133 Fixed processing of zabbix[host,*,available] item; fixed proxy's hosts availability data on server Server
ZBX-7099 Fixed IT services tree icons alignment Frontend
ZBX-7121 Increased size of interface.ip field API Frontend Installation
ZBX-6975 Fixed default values for graphs.yaxismax and graphs_items.yaxisside fields API Installation
ZBX-7131 Fixed host interface IP validation API
ZBX-7112 Improved file import validation for graph items Frontend
ZBX-6294 Fixed nodata() trigger firing immediately after no data maintenance Server
ZBX-7134 Fixed host inventory interface table when no agent interfaces are set Frontend
ZBX-7126 Fixed host inventories details tab displaying Frontend
ZBX-7066 Corrected downloadable configuration file name in setup step 6 Frontend Installation
ZBX-7101 Fixed generated SQL queries in action.get method when simultaneously selecting more than one condition and operation API

Notas de instalación y actualización


Ver Manual de Zabbix para conocer todos los detalles.


Ver Procedimiento de actualización for upgrade options and instructions. For version specific upgrade notes, see Upgrade notes for 2.1.8.

Soporte comercial

Zabbix ofrece una gama completa de Servicios profesionales. También proporcionamos sin problemas Servicio de actualización para una fácil migración desde versiones anteriores de Zabbix. Por favor Contactar con el equipo de ventas para precios y más detalles.


Zabbix 2.1 Manual

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