Notas de la versión de Zabbix 7.0.0alpha1

El equipo Zabbix se complace en anunciar la disponibilidad de Zabbix 7.0.0alpha1.

Zabbix is an enterprise-class open source distributed monitoring solution. Zabbix is released under the GNU Affero General Public License version 3 (AGPLv3), thus it is free of charge for both commercial and non-commercial use. More about Zabbix license.

Este documento contiene las notas de lanzamiento de la versión de Zabbix 7.0.0alpha1. Descárgalo desde download.

Las siguientes secciones describen la versión en detalle y proporcionan información reciente u otra información que complementa la documentación principal.

New Features and Improvements

ZBXNEXT-2732 Improved network discovery by implementing concurrent checks within single discovery rule API Frontend Proxy Server
ZBXNEXT-8425 Increased the maximum length for username and password fields used in HTTP authentication from 64 to 255 characters Frontend Installation
ZBXNEXT-8402 Implemented support of non-numeric vectors in aggregated calculations Server
ZBXNEXT-8245 Converted advanced configuration from checkbox to collapsible block Frontend Installation
ZBXNEXT-8323 Added preprocessing cache support for Prometheus to JSON step Proxy Server
ZBXNEXT-8387 Changed Alerts->Scripts configuration form to modal window Frontend
ZBXNEXT-7640 Updated widget help icon link to documentation link of a specific widget Frontend
ZBXNEXT-8386 Changed Data collection->Discovery configuration form to modal window Frontend
ZBXNEXT-8211 Added support for new binary item value type API Frontend Proxy Server
ZBXNEXT-8390 Added state filter for items in monitoring latest data Frontend
ZBXNEXT-8355 Added various improvements for aggregation functions Frontend Server
ZBXNEXT-8270 Added support of non-blocking sockets and thread-safe connect, accept, read, write operation timeouts based on poll Agent Proxy Server
ZBXNEXT-8086 Implemented ability to use all widgets in dashboard templates Frontend
ZBXNEXT-8079 Added an option to choose whether redirected ICMP ping response is treated as host up or host down API Frontend Installation Proxy Server
ZBXNEXT-8235 Implemented simplified cloning in the UI by leaving only one Clone button for Hosts, Templates and Maps Frontend
ZBXNEXT-8326 Added Zabbix server and Zabbix frontend version to system information report Frontend Server
ZBXNEXT-8324 Dropped support for floats of limited range API Frontend Proxy Server
ZBXNEXT-7569 Added support for Portage in system.sw.packages{,.get} items Agent
ZBXNEXT-8237 Changed module details view to a modal (popup) and updated module details Frontend
ZBXNEXT-7132 Added option of getting fully qualified domain name in system.hostname key to Zabbix agent and Zabbix agent 2 Agent
ZBXNEXT-8226 Fixed the problem of insufficient length of URL fields Frontend Installation
ZBXNEXT-8256 Renamed action operation types related to template linkage Frontend

Corrección de errores

ZBX-22793 Fixed LogSlowQueries not taken into account by server Server
ZBX-22314 Fixed OpenSSL, yaml, cmocka compiling in a non-standard location Proxy Server
ZBX-14557 Expanded the range of possible forecast return values to double precision Server
ZBX-22598 Fixed singular and plural forms in success and error messages and in confirmation messages Frontend
ZBX-22343 Removed use of deprecated cURL setopt options Agent Proxy Server
ZBX-22147 Updated default buffer size to 1000 in Zabbix agent 2 Agent
ZBX-22587 Fixed JSON validation not detecting invalid unicode characters and out-of-bounds access with JSONPath on invalid unicode character Proxy Server
ZBX-21976 Added support of OneLogin and Azure SCIM, fixed some issues with provisioning API Frontend

Notas de instalación y actualización


Ver Manual de Zabbix para conocer todos los detalles.


Ver Procedimiento de actualización for upgrade options and instructions. For version specific upgrade notes, see Upgrade notes for 7.0.0.

Soporte comercial

Zabbix ofrece una gama completa de Servicios profesionales. También proporcionamos sin problemas Servicio de actualización para una fácil migración desde versiones anteriores de Zabbix. Por favor Contactar con el equipo de ventas para precios y más detalles.


Zabbix 7.0 Manual

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