Notas de la versión de Zabbix 4.0.0alpha5

El equipo Zabbix se complace en anunciar la disponibilidad de Zabbix 4.0.0alpha5.

Zabbix es una solución de monitoreo distribuido de código abierto y de clase empresarial. Zabbix se publica bajo la GPL, por lo que es gratuito para uso comercial y no comercial. El texto completo de la licencia está disponible en

Este documento contiene las notas de lanzamiento de la versión de Zabbix 4.0.0alpha5. Descárgalo desde download.

Las siguientes secciones describen la versión en detalle y proporcionan información reciente u otra información que complementa la documentación principal.

New Features and Improvements

ZBXNEXT-4313 Implemented keyboard interaction in context menus
ZBXNEXT-4426 Added option to execute cached passive checks at the current time
ZBXNEXT-4417 Added real time export of events, history and trends in newline delimited JSON format
ZBXNEXT-4374 Implemented the widget configuration fields clearing when changing the type
ZBXNEXT-4119 Implemented tag based permissions
ZBXNEXT-4045 Implemented maximum size for graphs in widgets
ZBXNEXT-4340 Added kiosk mode for dashboard
ZBXNEXT-4150 Implemented access to interactive elements using keyboard
ZBXNEXT-4149 Implemented keybord interaction in overlay popups
ZBXNEXT-4357 Added support of "selectTriggerDiscovery" option in trigger.get method
ZBXNEXT-4152 Replaced double box select fields with multiselect fields and added filtering by proxy and server only in host list
ZBXNEXT-4273 Added default event status colors in themes with option to customize them
ZBXNEXT-4216 Added 'copytruncate' log file rotation support for logrt[], logrt.count[]
ZBXNEXT-4144 Added asterisk mark and aria-label property to all forms required fields
ZBXNEXT-768 Added item unit blacklisting with character "!" in order to disable metric prefixes
ZBXNEXT-4295 Added selection of the create images tickbox by default on "Maps import" page
ZBXNEXT-1456 Added filter by item discovery status for item configuration view; thanks to Volker Fröhlich for the original patch
ZBXNEXT-3991 Added additional params to net.if.* key output for linux base agent
ZBXNEXT-3480 Added support of inventory macros in event tags
ZBXNEXT-4175 Implemented ability to send email to several email addresses specified as user media
ZBXNEXT-4139 Added high contrast light and high contrast dark themes
ZBXNEXT-4247 Removed deprecated API methods: user.updareProfile, user.addMedia, user.updateMedia, user.deleteMedia, usergroup.massAdd, usergroup.massUpdate and usermedia.get
ZBXNEXT-970 Added more detailed error information to notification message when DB is unavailable
ZBXNEXT-4137 Removed green background from cells
ZBXNEXT-4157 Added map status summary to be readable by screen reader software
ZBXNEXT-4127 Implemented popup displaying in overlay dialogues
ZBXNEXT-1520 Increased the maximum Hosts/DNS name character length from 63 to 255
ZBXNEXT-4108 Implemented search of problems by trigger name
ZBXNEXT-4143 Implemented keybord interaction in top navigation
ZBXNEXT-1567 Added item "vfs.dir.count" for counting directory entries
ZBXNEXT-4135 Added tooltips for vertical labels
ZBXNEXT-4146 Added icons for error and success messages
ZBXNEXT-4156 Added option to view graphs items data and multiple items graph data as table
ZBXNEXT-4160 Reworked monitoring Discovery screen to show hint info right in the table cell
ZBXNEXT-761 Added rules to make dbschema.c, schema.sql and data.sql from schema.tmpl, data.tmpl and templates.tmpl if there is a need to
ZBXNEXT-4186 Added ability to adjust colors for new graph items in graph creation form according selected theme
ZBXNEXT-4145 Fixed appearance of host column based on number of hosts specified in filter
ZBXNEXT-4118 Implemented advanced options for tag-based search of problems
ZBXNEXT-4134 Added 'lang' attribute to page body
ZBXNEXT-4181 Fixed Zabbix server to accept active Zabbix proxy requests only from allowed address if specified
ZBXNEXT-4181 Fixed passive Zabbix proxy to accept Zabbix server requests only from allowed address
ZBX-10576 Restructured unixODBC related code, moved it to a dedicated directory
ZBX-3783 Added strict validation for proxy.delete() method; proxy cannot be deleted when used in actions
ZBX-11909 Replaced with in data.sql

Corrección de errores

ZBX-13542 Fixed http steps on template not inheriting hosts application setting
ZBX-13618 Fixed wrong variables order in translatable error message
ZBX-13344 Fixed trigger based actions having a default "not in maintenance" condition
ZBX-13613 Improved a history syncer when backend elasticsearch is not available
ZBX-13510 Fixed error of execution "make dbschema" for NetBSD
ZBX-13544 Fixed agent crashes when using regex with 'Log' item for Mac OSX
ZBX-13611 Fixed lld rules not always saving their state/error message changes
ZBX-13571 Fixed regression that resulted in slow history data queries on partitioned tables
ZBX-13490 Fixed autofocus in forms
ZBX-13470 Improved searching IPMI items by full name
ZBX-13566 Fixed create dashboard button size in dashboard list
ZBX-13464 Fixed fullscreen attribute included in host context menu links
ZBX-13424 Added possibility to select web items as master items and improved copying of dependent items to destination hosts and templates
ZBX-13573 Fixed undefined index message changing Action "Acknowledgment operations" from "Remote command" to "Notify all involved"
ZBX-13570 Fixed undefined index in API call
ZBX-13331 Removed "recovery" property from action.get API method response
ZBX-13309 Fixed displaying of Problem/Recovery time
ZBX-13450 Fixed server and proxy compilation problem for Solaris 10
ZBX-13458, ZBX-13494 Fixed resolving of the macros in map labels for non-superadmin users
ZBX-13526 Fixed widget placeholder jumping instead of resizing while dashboard edit
ZBX-13362 Fixed potentially wrong rows deleting by housekeeper in PostgreSQL
ZBX-13506 Fixed linked trigger is moved to sibling map element
ZBX-13586 Fixed trigger-based event correlation - suspend creation of event if no problems are recovered by it
ZBX-13339 Improved deallocation of memory
ZBX-13412 Fixed JS error and wrong form behaviour when changing item type, type of information
ZBX-13471 Fixed contrast in selected item filters
ZBX-13428 Fixed long name of map outside go back button in map widget
ZBX-13340 Fixed pie graphs displaying incorrect data
ZBX-13257 Fixed display of the latest item in Audit log
ZBX-13447 Fixed trigger name readability on map in dark theme
ZBX-11994 Changed "awk" to "sed" for getting info about "Last Changed Revision"
ZBX-13360 Fixed HTML5 placeholder color that previously appeared like actual input data
ZBX-13351 Improved OpenSSL error messages
ZBX-13147 Fixed inconsistent number on map navigation tree
ZBX-13537 Fixed "Inaccessible user" in Dashboard System status widgets acknowledgement popup
ZBX-13472 Fixed description of "Server" and "ServerActive" configuration options
ZBX-13455 Added frontend error message when templates cannot be linked to LLD host
ZBX-13538 Fixed example configuration for Elasticsearch
ZBX-13434 Fixed incorrect trigger dependencies being set after copying triggers to multiple hosts; thanks to Kotaro Miyashita for the patch
ZBX-13513 Fixed input maxlength for users media of type script
ZBX-13523 Fixed error message for empty TCP response in case agent dropped connection because of access permissions
ZBX-12883 Fixed incorrect ordering the list of triggers after saving a map
ZBXNEXT-4150 Fixed URL display in hint box and focus styles for radio buttons
ZBX-12940 Fixed content does not fit dialog window
ZBX-13342 Fixed order by query in frontend Maintenance tab
ZBX-13401 Fixed successful items mass update with invalid update interval
ZBX-6167 Fixed partial updating in maintenance.update
ZBX-13062 Banned using of mutex in threads of metrics collection
ZBX-13236 Fixed error message of function parameters parse
ZBX-10433 Removed inaccurate configuration default values
ZBX-13398 Fixed configure script for Debian GNU/Linux "buster" and "sid" to work with PostgreSQL
ZBX-12754 Fixed undefined index error in map import
ZBX-13303 Improved display of user media 'Use if severity' indicators
ZBX-13166 Fixed daily and yearly notification reports not including current day/last day of leap-year
ZBX-13118 Improved readability of emails in action log by splitting them multiline
ZBX-13498 Added optional MySQL upgrade patch for "problem" table to drop redundant index after another index that can be used to enforce the foreign key constraint has been created
ZBX-13430 Fixed use of uninitialized value ttl when elasticsearch is configured
ZBX-13452 Fixed Elasticsearch history storage default value types
ZBX-13248 Fixed field trapper_hosts to optional for trapper item.create
ZBX-13307 Fixed map scaling and position to the widget left side
ZBX-12941 Fixed checkbox overlay's position over the checkbox
ZBX-13465 Fixed back button style on the sub-maps
ZBX-13334 Fixed translations of Widget parameters window
ZBX-6118 Fixed poor performance of changing an item on the template which linked with many hosts
ZBX-13454 Fixed placeholder in Administration->Scripts form
ZBX-13403 Allowed proxy to execute remote commands on agents using encrypted connection
ZBX-13441 Fixed crashes in case of failures (e.g. timeouts) during VMware hypervisor discovery
ZBX-12607 Fixed performance of map.get API method and map-related views
ZBX-11391 Generated an error if expanding LLD macros results in an empty tag name
ZBX-13300 Fixed addJsFile() name
ZBX-13030 Removed proxy's ability to export unprocessed history data via loadable modules
ZBXNEXT-3581 Dropped plain text protocol support and made header mandatory; fixed IP fragmentation handling by including header in Zabbix get request, Zabbix server/proxy passive check request and frontend request to Zabbix server
ZBX-13194 Fixed incorrect processing of zabbix[wcache,value,*] internal check
ZBX-13060 Added limitation for meaningless server reconnection attempts to incorrectly configured passive proxy
ZBX-13233 Added new memory metrics for Linux platform - "active", "anon", "inactive" and "slabs"; thanks to Tomasz Kłoczko for the original patch
ZBX-12643 Improved error log message in case Zabbix server database cannot be used due to empty "users" table
ZBX-11720 Fixed memory leak which breaks vfs.fs.size, vfs.fs.inode and vfs.dir.size items if compiled with LeakSanitizer
ZBX-13131 Fixed truncated multiline text values from network discovery SNMP checks
ZBX-13117 Fixed vfs.dir.size with symbol links on Windows
ZBX-12045 Fixed inconsistencies in configure -h output
ZBX-13325 Fixed trend.get() method with Oracle backend
ZBX-13223 Fixed graphs duplication in graph preview
ZBX-13345 Removed SID from URL in screen edit mode
ZBX-13055 Fixed problems with DNS resolver interface on NetBSD
ZBX-13214 Added support of \0 matching group for regsub and iregsub methods
ZBX-13208 Eliminated race condition that caused history collection for newly created items to start before preprocecessing steps finished syncing
ZBX-13246 Fixed processing of command line arguments which are longer than 2KB for proc.num and proc.mem items on AIX
ZBX-13130 Fixed Zabbix proxy not to generate high network traffic when server does not accept data
ZBX-13288 Fixed image ghosting for mass update of map elements
ZBX-11422 Fixed compilation warnings under OS X 64bit
ZBX-13276 Fixed compatibility issue with Elasticsearch versions starting from 6.0
ZBX-13196 Fixed setting of transaction error flag in commit operation
ZBX-13221 Fixed trimming of values in overlay dialogues
ZBX-13221 Added "Timeout" validation in web scenario step overlay dialogue
ZBX-12389 Fixed latest data host group filter
ZBX-13119 Removed 'empty' button in trigger selection window for map constructor item modal form
ZBX-12661 Fixed Low-level discovery of dependent items not working after being edited and resulting in undefined offset error or foreign key constraint violation
ZBX-13254 Fixed 'skip' parameter behaviour for log[], log.count[], logrt[], logrt.count[] items in case log files initially do not exist
ZBX-13253 Fixed losing the 1st record by log[] and logrt[] items if 'skip' parameter is used and log file initially is empty
ZBX-13275 Fixed slow housekeeping of events on MySQL
ZBX-13264 Fixed Zabbix agent compilation on OS/X
ZBX-13245 Fixed IP fragmentation handling in Zabbix server response to Zabbix proxy
ZBX-13258 Fixed misaligned user group permission controls
ZBX-13031 Fixed Java gateway compilation without libpcre
ZBX-12963 Fixed passing argument to external check item that contain literal $
ZBX-12991 Removed default values for "active_since" and "active_till" fields in maintenance.create API method
ZBX-13270 Fixed default selection of the required host permissions radio in the global scripts form
ZBX-12758 Fixed slow housekeeping of events due to missing index on foreign key
ZBX-11305 Fixed color and label for event status on event details page
ZBX-13238 Fixed spelling of Elasticsearch
ZBX-13056 Fixed incorrect positioning of context menu when it is opened using keyboard
ZBX-13241 Fixed memory leak on Zabbix server when executing remote commands through proxy
ZBXNEXT-4139 Fixed displaying of the eventlog severitites and severities in trigger map element
ZBX-13178 Fixed ipc_path value in error message
ZBX-12251 Fixed possibility of trigger status getting stuck in PROBLEM or OK state due to transaction error in history synchronization, added deadlock to a list of recoverable errors
ZBX-12251 Fixed possibility that new history values are lost and not processed by Zabbix server or Zabbix proxy due to recoverable transaction error
ZBX-12996 Fixed radio button and label inconsistency in maintenance period configuration
ZBX-12895 Improved performance of DB patch for updating data in the alerts table
ZBX-12082 Fixed possibility to select triggers with same name in multiselect
ZBX-12983 Fixed compilation warnings under Windows
ZBX-10578 Fixed redundant init_result() calls; thanks to MATSUDA Daiki for the patch
ZBX-12793 Fixed system compiler checks during source configuration
ZBX-11970 Fixed style for some enumerators and structure type declarations

Notas de instalación y actualización


Ver Manual de Zabbix para conocer todos los detalles.


Ver Procedimiento de actualización for upgrade options and instructions. For version specific upgrade notes, see Upgrade notes for 4.0.0.

Soporte comercial

Zabbix ofrece una gama completa de Servicios profesionales. También proporcionamos sin problemas Servicio de actualización para una fácil migración desde versiones anteriores de Zabbix. Por favor Contactar con el equipo de ventas para precios y más detalles.


Zabbix 4.0 Manual

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