Notas de la versión de Zabbix 5.0.18rc1

El equipo Zabbix se complace en anunciar la disponibilidad de Zabbix 5.0.18rc1.

Zabbix es una solución de monitoreo distribuido de código abierto y de clase empresarial. Zabbix se publica bajo la GPL, por lo que es gratuito para uso comercial y no comercial. El texto completo de la licencia está disponible en

Este documento contiene las notas de lanzamiento de la versión de Zabbix 5.0.18rc1. Descárgalo desde download.

Las siguientes secciones describen la versión en detalle y proporcionan información reciente u otra información que complementa la documentación principal.

New Features and Improvements

ZBXNEXT-6593 Added support of persistent files for restoring log item state after agent restart Frontend Agent
ZBXNEXT-6651 Added new item agent.variant for Agent and Agent2 Agent
ZBXNEXT-6677 Added cpu percent field to docker.container_stats key for docker plugin in Zabbix agent 2 and docker template Agent Templates
ZBXNEXT-7014 Updated README for a newer version of PagerDuty Templates
ZBXNEXT-2475 Added handling of compressed content to web monitoring Proxy Server
ZBXNEXT-6782 Added new parameters for system.hostname Agent
ZBXNEXT-6677 Added cpu percent field to docker.container_stats key for docker plugin in Zabbix agent 2 Agent
ZBXNEXT-6608 Added support for vmware key named 'vmware.hv.sensors.get' Proxy Server
ZBXNEXT-6644 Added support for vmware key named 'vmware.hv.maintenance' Proxy Server

Corrección de errores

ZBX-19514 Fixed disc utilization metric for windows discs discovery Templates
ZBX-20177 Added acknowledgeid index for alerts table Server
ZBX-19587 Fixed Zabbix Java gateway error message when object or attribute is not found Java gateway
ZBX-20176 Fixed trigger not being calculated for first value when item changes state to supported; fixed build failure when DES is disabled in Net-SNMP; fixed tests on big-endian systems Installation Server
ZBX-20150 Fixed special characters escaping in markdown parsing of the Telegram media type Templates
ZBX-19926 Fixed Zabbix agent crashing when reading event log on Windows Server 2022 Agent
ZBX-20080 Fixed error message Templates
ZBX-20003 Fixed update and discard intervals in generic snmp and some other templates Templates
ZBX-18787 Removed undefined macro Templates
ZBX-20032 Fixed server crash when restarting monitored vmware vc Proxy Server
ZBX-19963 Fixed macro with regular expression for serial numbers discovery in cisco template Templates
ZBX-19912 Fixed mysql.db.size, mysql.replication.get_slave_status and pgsql.custom.query items for Zabbix agent 2 Agent
ZBX-19958 Fixed macro with regular expression for interfaces discovery in OS linux templates Templates
ZBX-18975 Fixed item value being truncated in item test form Frontend
ZBX-19958 Fixed macro with regular expression for interfaces discovery in OS linux template Templates
ZBX-20065 Fixed count() function gt,ge,lt,le operations Server
ZBX-18611 Fixed division by zero error due to small graph size when using gradient lines Frontend
ZBX-20079 Fixed web scenarios import / export error when authentication method is kerberos API
ZBX-18988 Added vm.vmemory.size metric to Zabbix agent 2 for Windows Agent
ZBX-19569 Changed linked template "Zabbix agent" to "Zabbix agent active" in templates "Windows by Zabbix agent active" and "Linux by Zabbix agent active" Templates
ZBX-18554 Fixed MSSQL by ODBC README Templates
ZBX-19872 Removed redundant escaping in XML data of HTTP agent POST request Server
ZBX-19920 Changed setup instruction in README of the "IIS by Zabbix agent" template Templates
ZBX-19237 Changed condition in SQL request of pgsql.connections.sum.waiting item in DB PostgreSQL template to exclude rows with idle state Templates
ZBX-20019 Fixed README file in Oracle by Zabbix Agent 2 template Templates
ZBX-19760 Fixed interface operstate valuemap in the linux templates Templates
ZBXNEXT-6708 Fixed 3rd parameter for Zabbix agent 2 web.certificate.get plugin Agent
ZBX-20017 Added new metrics, fixed update intervals in the "F5 Big-IP" template Templates

Notas de instalación y actualización


Ver Manual de Zabbix para conocer todos los detalles.


Ver Procedimiento de actualización for upgrade options and instructions. For version specific upgrade notes, see Upgrade notes for 5.0.18.

Soporte comercial

Zabbix ofrece una gama completa de Servicios profesionales. También proporcionamos sin problemas Servicio de actualización para una fácil migración desde versiones anteriores de Zabbix. Por favor Contactar con el equipo de ventas para precios y más detalles.


Zabbix 5.0 Manual

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