Notas de la versión de Zabbix 4.0.0alpha1

El equipo Zabbix se complace en anunciar la disponibilidad de Zabbix 4.0.0alpha1.

Zabbix es una solución de monitoreo distribuido de código abierto y de clase empresarial. Zabbix se publica bajo la GPL, por lo que es gratuito para uso comercial y no comercial. El texto completo de la licencia está disponible en

Este documento contiene las notas de lanzamiento de la versión de Zabbix 4.0.0alpha1. Descárgalo desde download.

Las siguientes secciones describen la versión en detalle y proporcionan información reciente u otra información que complementa la documentación principal.

New Features and Improvements

ZBXNEXT-3480 Added support of inventory macros in event tags
ZBXNEXT-4175 Implemented ability to send email to several email addresses specified as user media
ZBXNEXT-4139 Added high contrast light and high contrast dark themes
ZBXNEXT-4247 Removed deprecated API methods: user.updareProfile, user.addMedia, user.updateMedia, user.deleteMedia, usergroup.massAdd, usergroup.massUpdate and usermedia.get
ZBXNEXT-970 Added more detailed error information to notification message when DB is unavailable
ZBXNEXT-4137 Removed green background from cells
ZBXNEXT-4157 Added map status summary to be readable by screen reader software
ZBXNEXT-4127 Implemented popup displaying in overlay dialogues
ZBXNEXT-1520 Increased the maximum Hosts/DNS name character length from 63 to 255
ZBXNEXT-4108 Implemented search of problems by trigger name
ZBXNEXT-4143 Implemented keybord interaction in top navigation
ZBXNEXT-1567 Added item "vfs.dir.count" for counting directory entries
ZBXNEXT-4135 Added tooltips for vertical labels
ZBXNEXT-4146 Added icons for error and success messages
ZBXNEXT-4156 Added option to view graphs items data and multiple items graph data as table
ZBXNEXT-4160 Reworked monitoring Discovery screen to show hint info right in the table cell
ZBXNEXT-761 Added rules to make dbschema.c, schema.sql and data.sql from schema.tmpl, data.tmpl and templates.tmpl if there is a need to
ZBXNEXT-4186 Added ability to adjust colors for new graph items in graph creation form according selected theme
ZBXNEXT-4145 Fixed appearance of host column based on number of hosts specified in filter
ZBXNEXT-4118 Implemented advanced options for tag-based search of problems
ZBXNEXT-4134 Added 'lang' attribute to page body
ZBXNEXT-4181 Fixed Zabbix server to accept active Zabbix proxy requests only from allowed address if specified
ZBXNEXT-4181 Fixed passive Zabbix proxy to accept Zabbix server requests only from allowed address
ZBX-10576 Restructured unixODBC related code, moved it to a dedicated directory
ZBX-3783 Added strict validation for proxy.delete() method; proxy cannot be deleted when used in actions
ZBX-11909 Replaced with in data.sql

Corrección de errores

ZBX-12251 Fixed possibility of trigger status getting stuck in PROBLEM or OK state due to transaction error in history synchronization, added deadlock to a list of recoverable errors
ZBX-12251 Fixed possibility that new history values are lost and not processed by Zabbix server or Zabbix proxy due to recoverable transaction error
ZBX-12996 Fixed radio button and label inconsistency in maintenance period configuration
ZBX-12895 Improved performance of DB patch for updating data in the alerts table
ZBX-12082 Fixed possibility to select triggers with same name in multiselect
ZBX-12983 Fixed compilation warnings under Windows
ZBX-10578 Fixed redundant init_result() calls; thanks to MATSUDA Daiki for the patch
ZBX-12793 Fixed system compiler checks during source configuration
ZBX-11970 Fixed style for some enumerators and structure type declarations

Notas de instalación y actualización


Ver Manual de Zabbix para conocer todos los detalles.


Ver Procedimiento de actualización for upgrade options and instructions. For version specific upgrade notes, see Upgrade notes for 4.0.0.

Soporte comercial

Zabbix ofrece una gama completa de Servicios profesionales. También proporcionamos sin problemas Servicio de actualización para una fácil migración desde versiones anteriores de Zabbix. Por favor Contactar con el equipo de ventas para precios y más detalles.


Zabbix 4.0 Manual

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