Poznámky k vydání verze Zabbix 2.2.1

Zabbix tým s potěšením oznamuje dostupnost nové verze Zabbixu 2.2.1.

Zabbix je podnikové open source řešení pro distribuovaný monitoring. Zabbix je vydáván pod licencí GPL, takže je zdarma pro komerční i nekomerční použití. Úplný text licence je k dispozici na adrese http://www.gnu.org/copyleft/gpl.txt.

Tento dokument obsahuje poznámky k verzi Zabbix 2.2.1. Stáhnout si ho můžete v sekci ke stažení.

Následující části podrobně popisují nový Zabbix 5.2.1 a poskytují nejnovější informace nebo doplňují další informace k hlavní dokumentaci.

Nové vlastnosti a vylepšení

ZBXNEXT-2016 Changed the housekeeping settings to allow overriding item-level history and trend storage period if internal housekeeping is disabled
ZBXNEXT-2016 Removed the ZBX_HISTORY_DATA_UPKEEP constant
ZBXNEXT-1256 Changed example directory size user parameter to return bytes
ZBX-7250 Made gettext an optional feature for the frontend
ZBX-1357 Updated American English, Brazilian Portuguese, French, Italian, Japanese, Russian, Slovak, Turkish and Ukrainian translations; thanks to Zabbix translators
ZBXNEXT-1257 Dropped support for UCD-SNMP

Oprava chyb

ZBX-7479 Fixed remote command execution from Zabbix server if flexible user parameters are configured; thanks to Recurity Labs Team for the report
ZBX-7461 Fixed compilation on kFreeBSD and other operating systems which are not explicitly supported
ZBX-7339 Fixed item prototypes of OpenBSD and FreeBSD templates
ZBX-7332 Properly restore the original memory chunk after shared memory realloc fails, otherwise it could trigger a crash when syncing history at exit
ZBX-7373 Improved performance of pages that use latest history values; thanks to Kenneth Palmertree and Maksim Tkachenko
ZBX-7447 Fixed regex configuration form not being displayed in French and Italian languages
ZBX-7444 Fixed agent crash on HP-UX when processing proc.num[] item
ZBX-4063 Fixed data selecting for graphs
ZBX-7391 Fixed items belonging to multiple applications being displayed only under the first one in the latest data page
ZBX-7347 Fixed custom step duration max size in action configuration
ZBX-7336 Fixed "Database type" selection in setup step 3, improved SQLite3 check and removed storing setup supported databases in cookies
ZBX-7340 Fixed incorrect error messages when imported objects reference unexisting objects
ZBX-7445 Fixed frontend redundant call of history
ZBX-7277 Made item selection helper translatable
ZBX-6160 Fixed memory leak in configuration syncer process
ZBX-6160 Fixed "ORA-01000: maximum open cursors exceeded" error
ZBX-7354 Fixed resetting linked template list when trying to add template with empty field
ZBX-7360 Fixed maximum IPMI sensor ID length; thanks to OpenIPMI author Corey Minyard
ZBX-7400 Fixed possible server crash when processing trigger functions with text or log items with Oracle backend
ZBX-7400 Fixed possible server crash when sending messages with Oracle backend
ZBX-7326 Improved escalator idle time calculations and statistics reporting
ZBX-7355 Fixed various prototype confirmation messages
ZBX-7408 Removed unnecessary variables and includes in slide show configuration
ZBX-7034 Improved Alias parameter description in the example configuration files
ZBX-7337 Fixed undefined index debug profiler
ZBX-7337 Fixed input parameters validation in multiple pages
ZBX-7372 Fixed undefined indexes in script.getscriptsbyhosts method
ZBX-7350 Fixed displaying host prototypes in "Status of Zabbix"
ZBXNEXT-98 Refactored code for SNMP checks
ZBX-7184 Added check to prevent host from being switched to unavailable state multiple times in a row
ZBX-7351 Fixed screen item not being saved if resource type is URL
ZBX-7329 Fixed VMware related compiling error on FreeBSD
ZBX-7359 Fixed possible crash when parsing VMware datastore data
ZBX-7309 Fixed resolving of {ITEM.VALUE} macro in recovery messages
ZBX-7254 Fixed selected tab not being reset when opening the host mass update form
ZBX-7316 Fixed drule.delete method
ZBX-7293 Fixed typo in the plural form of a translatable string
ZBX-7307 Improved validation for copying graph
ZBX-7325 Fixed parent LLD rule link color in the darkblue and darkorange themes
ZBX-7311 Fixed dragging of host interfaces
ZBX-7272 Fixed graph's grid with fixed Y axis MIN/MAX values
ZBX-2008 Added support of Audit Success/Failure severity for Windows Security log
ZBX-2008 Implemented automatic loading of wevtapi.dll file and its functions
ZBX-2008 Improved performance of eventlog monitoring
ZBX-7263 Fixed validation of filter parameters in tr_status.php
ZBX-7303 Removed link to item configuration for discovered items in latest data screen
ZBX-7289 Added server address and port number to "no active checks on server" message
ZBX-6920 Fixed displaying of soft linked IT services that contain a dot in their name
ZBX-7037 Added agent.hostname to the list of supported items
ZBX-7317 Removed unused code in popup.php

Poznámky k instalaci a upgradu


Prohlédněte si Zabbixu manuál abyste získali informace o všech detailech.


Prohlédněte si Postup upgradu for upgrade options and instructions. For version specific upgrade notes, see Upgrade notes for 2.2.1.

Obchodní podpora

Společnost Zabbix poskytuje celou řadu profesionálních služeb. Poskytuje také služby ohledně Upgrade služby pro snadnou migraci z dřívějších verzí Zabbixu. Prosím obraťte se na náš obchodní tým ohledně ceny a dalších podrobností.


Zabbix 2.2 Manual

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Zabbix je profesionálně vyvíjený Open Source Software bez limitů a skrytých poplatků.