Poznámky k vydání verze Zabbix 5.4.0alpha1

Zabbix tým s potěšením oznamuje dostupnost nové verze Zabbixu 5.4.0alpha1.

Zabbix je podnikové open source řešení pro distribuovaný monitoring. Zabbix je vydáván pod licencí GPL, takže je zdarma pro komerční i nekomerční použití. Úplný text licence je k dispozici na adrese http://www.gnu.org/copyleft/gpl.txt.

Tento dokument obsahuje poznámky k verzi Zabbix 5.4.0alpha1. Stáhnout si ho můžete v sekci ke stažení.

Následující sekce podrobně popisují vydání a poskytují důležité nebo jiné informace, které doplňují hlavní dokumentaci.

Nové vlastnosti a vylepšení

ZBXNEXT-5759 Added Oracle DB tnsnames.ora service name lookup support Frontend Proxy Server
ZBXNEXT-6360 Added support of JavaScript for global scripts API Frontend Instalace Server
ZBXNEXT-6441 Added function to configure HTTP authentication for embedded scripts Proxy Server
ZBXNEXT-6376 Implemented support of negative filtering for tags API Frontend
ZBXNEXT-6183 Added md5 checksum computation to preprocessing Proxy Server
ZBXNEXT-6399 Added support of host and item macros for Script item parameters Frontend Server
Added support of API tokens API Frontend Instalace Server
ZBXCTR-13 Added custom query support for PostgreSQL plugin and template, fixed unix-socket support Agent Šablony
ZBXNEXT-5518 Added support of XML parsing in JavaScript API Frontend Proxy Server
ZBXNEXT-5862 Added Rocket.Chat media Šablony
ZBXNEXT-6389 Added template for NetApp FAS3220 Šablony
ZBXNEXT-6311 Moved host availability from hosts to host interfaces API Frontend Instalace Proxy Server
ZBXNEXT-6295 Added 3rd level sub-menu Frontend
ZBXNEXT-6285 Modified Oracle initial scheme creating and image loading in to the BLOB fields Instalace
ZBXNEXT-6419 Added tablespace metrics to Oracle Templates Agent Šablony
ZBXNEXT-6331 Updated plugins: ceph, docker, memcached, mysql, oracle, redis — unified functionality (parameters describing and parsing, URI parsing, using sessions, errors handling) Agent
ZBXNEXT-6210 Added native support for proc.mem key in Zabbix agent 2 Agent
ZBXNEXT-6252 Added support of LLD rule filter condition operators "exists" and "does not exist" Frontend Server
ZBXNEXT-6367 Added metrics to the official MySQL template Šablony
ZBXNEXT-6380 Added new key vmware.cl.perfcounter Proxy Server
ZBXNEXT-6330 Added Microsoft Exchange Server 2016 template Šablony
ZBXNEXT-6219 Added "HashiCorp Vault" template Šablony
ZBXNEXT-6231 Added Apache ActiveMQ template Šablony
ZBXNEXT-6257 Implemented Check for not supported value preprocessing step test API Frontend Proxy Server
ZBX-2594 Separated host and template related objects: items, triggers, graphs, low-level discovery rules, web scenarios Frontend Instalace
ZBXNEXT-6324 Moved Configuration -> Discovery to MVC API Frontend
ZBXNEXT-6319 Added systemd.unit.get item key to Zabbix agent 2 Agent
ZBXNEXT-6345 Added substitution of SID to account name and domain name in eventlog message Agent
ZBXNEXT-6307 Added ability to read properties from a file Java gateway
ZBXNEXT-6329 Added Template "GitLab by HTTP" Šablony
ZBXNEXT-6294 Replaced mass update pages with popup windows Frontend
ZBXNEXT-6325 Moved "Event correlation" to MVC and removed tabs in edit view Frontend
ZBXNEXT-6234 Added "Disk read/write request avg waiting time" items in template Windows physical disks Šablony
ZBXNEXT-6323 Moved Administration -> Queue to MVC Frontend
ZBXNEXT-782 Moved calculated, aggregated and internal checks to new history poller process; moved availability updates to availability manager; removed database connections from pollers, unreachable pollers and Java pollers Documentation Proxy Server
ZBXNEXT-6276 Improved period handling of macro function fmttime Server
ZBXNEXT-6332 Added {ITEM.VALUETYPE} macro Server
ZBXNEXT-6353 Added Morningstar devices monitoring templates Šablony
ZBXNEXT-6269 Added hv ip to vmware.hv.discovery and vm metrics for FQDN template Proxy Server
ZBXNEXT-6272 Added template VMWare FQDN and updated template VMWare Šablony
ZBXNEXT-6316 Added iTop media Šablony
ZBXNEXT-6281 Added template "Hadoop by HTTP" Šablony
ZBXNEXT-6351 Added template "Aranet Cloud" Šablony
ZBXNEXT-6275 Added Template "Zookeeper by HTTP" Šablony
ZBXNEXT-6280 Added trend function cache Server
ZBXNEXT-2480 Removed autocomplete from fields having sensitive data Frontend
ZBXNEXT-6253 Added native system.users.num support to Zabbix agent 2 Agent
ZBXNEXT-6129 Added UnitFileState to systemd.unit.discovery for Zabbix agent 2 Agent
ZBXNEXT-6293 Replaced import page with popup window Frontend
ZBXNEXT-6290 Improved distinction between configuration and monitoring links in search results Frontend
ZBXNEXT-6282 Updated media types and templates to follow new JS methods naming Šablony
ZBXNEXT-6241 Made JS object and method names more JavaScript alike Proxy Server
ZBX-18134 Removed ability to read PSK fields of hosts and proxies API Frontend
ZBXNEXT-6236 Added template "Apache Kafka by JMX" Šablony
ZBXNEXT-6201 Added "Template DB Apache Cassandra by JMX" Šablony

Poznámky k instalaci a upgradu


Prohlédněte si Zabbixu manuál abyste získali informace o všech detailech.


Prohlédněte si Postup upgradu for upgrade options and instructions. For version specific upgrade notes, see Upgrade notes for 5.4.0.

Obchodní podpora

Společnost Zabbix poskytuje celou řadu profesionálních služeb. Poskytuje také služby ohledně Upgrade služby pro snadnou migraci z dřívějších verzí Zabbixu. Prosím obraťte se na náš obchodní tým ohledně ceny a dalších podrobností.


Zabbix 5.4 Manual

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Zabbix je profesionálně vyvíjený Open Source Software bez limitů a skrytých poplatků.