Poznámky k vydání verze Zabbix 6.0.19

Zabbix tým s potěšením oznamuje dostupnost nové verze Zabbixu 6.0.19.

Zabbix je podnikové open source řešení pro distribuovaný monitoring. Zabbix je vydáván pod licencí GPL, takže je zdarma pro komerční i nekomerční použití. Úplný text licence je k dispozici na adrese http://www.gnu.org/copyleft/gpl.txt.

Tento dokument obsahuje poznámky k verzi Zabbix 6.0.19. Stáhnout si ho můžete v sekci ke stažení.

Následující sekce podrobně popisují vydání a poskytují důležité nebo jiné informace, které doplňují hlavní dokumentaci.

Nové vlastnosti a vylepšení

ZBXNEXT-8497 Removed unnecessary JavaScript preprocessing in discovery rules in Kubernetes templates Šablony
ZBXNEXT-8465 Updated JavaScript scripts in Kubernetes templates Šablony
ZBXNEXT-8467 Updated max supported TimescaleDB version to 2.11 Server
ZBXNEXT-7072 Fixed hintbox to be automatically closed when target element disappears Frontend
ZBXNEXT-8294 Added filters of node labels and annotations for Kubelet discovery in Kubernetes cluster state template Šablony

Oprava chyb

ZBX-22987 Fixed inefficient URL schema validation Frontend
ZBX-21859 Fixed active checks occasionally not being executed on Zabbix agent 2 if checks for a plugin have long and short update intervals Agent
ZBX-21892 Fixed wrong fs type returned by vfs.fs.get for file systems with identical mount point Agent
ZBX-22941 Prevented clearing of the user macro secret values on inherited host prototypes as the result of user macros modifications on the parent host prototype of a template API
ZBX-22695 Fixed eventlog duplicate timestamps Agent
ZBX-22903 Fixed scale calculation for Graph and Graph (classic) widgets Frontend
ZBX-22148 Fixed the crash when updating a webhook to JavaScript that cannot be compiled Proxy Server
ZBX-22868 Fixed Zabbix agent 2 plugin Defaults when hardcoded value is provided Agent
ZBX-22399 Added TLS and Default parameters support to MQTT plugin for Zabbix agent 2 Agent
ZBX-20280 Fixed page selection in a dashboard after refresh Frontend
ZBX-22883 Fixed occasional crash of user parameters on Windows when using Zabbix agent 2 with UserParameterDir defined Agent
ZBX-22805 Increased memory allocation limit for JavaScript execution from 64M to 512M Proxy Server
ZBX-22798 Fixed incorrect output of vfs.file.contents when reading frequently modified file Agent
ZBX-21573 Optimized preprocessing steps in the AWS EC2 by HTTP template Šablony
ZBX-16326 Fixed displaying of the first and last data points on the graphs Frontend
ZBX-22467 Fixed missing bracket in a trigger event name in Windows templates Šablony
ZBX-22738 Fixed flickering debug info while editing empty dashboards Frontend
ZBX-22231 Removed host and interface macros resolution from HTTP proxy fields in items, item prototype and discovery rule test dialogues Frontend
ZBX-21194 Fixed filter form submission upon pressing Enter key in Safari Frontend
ZBX-22762 Fixed race condition in Zabbix agent 2 when reading filesystem Agent
ZBX-21804 Removed requirement for write permissions on hosts, host groups, triggers, discovery rules, discovery checks and proxies when creating or updating actions API Frontend
ZBX-22243 Fixed navigation away from edited dashboard without user confirmation Frontend
ZBX-22418 Fixed popup form fields overlapping labels when textarea width is resized Frontend
ZBX-19590 Changed count_foreach to add 0 when no data are in the requested period Server
ZBX-22681 Fixed wrongly displayed Revert button for text macros in host, template and host prototype clone forms Frontend
ZBX-22594 Fixed fatal error when a request contains invalid authentication parameters Frontend
ZBX-22397 Fixed disabled input field text color in Safari Frontend
ZBX-21593 Optimized preprocessing steps in the templates PostgreSQL by Zabbix agent and PostgreSQL by Zabbix agent 2 Šablony
ZBX-22470 Fixed hang on logging when establishing an encrypted connection in Zabbix agent 2 Agent
ZBX-20263 Prevented the ability to link two or more templates with matching item keys to a host or template; improved the check for double template linkage and related error messages API
ZBX-22571 Fixed "service not equal" action condition not working as expected Server
ZBX-22644 Fixed Graph widget not showing all problems for multiple items with dataset aggregation enabled Frontend
ZBX-22698 Fixed spelling mistakes in the templates Šablony
ZBX-21883 Changed Select map field of the Map widget to multiselect Frontend

Poznámky k instalaci a upgradu


Prohlédněte si Zabbixu manuál abyste získali informace o všech detailech.


Prohlédněte si Postup upgradu for upgrade options and instructions. For version specific upgrade notes, see Upgrade notes for 6.0.19.

Obchodní podpora

Společnost Zabbix poskytuje celou řadu profesionálních služeb. Poskytuje také služby ohledně Upgrade služby pro snadnou migraci z dřívějších verzí Zabbixu. Prosím obraťte se na náš obchodní tým ohledně ceny a dalších podrobností.


Zabbix 6.0 Manual

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Zabbix je profesionálně vyvíjený Open Source Software bez limitů a skrytých poplatků.