3 Grafieken

Mass editing options

Buttons below the list offer some mass-editing options:

  • Copy - copy the graphs to other hosts or templates
  • Delete - delete the graphs

To use these options, mark the checkboxes before the respective graphs, then click on the required button.

Using filter

You can use the filter to display only the graphs you are interested in. For better search performance, data is searched with macros unresolved.

The Filter icon is available at the top right corner. Clicking on it will open a filter where you can specify the desired filtering criteria.

Parameter Description
Host groups Filter by one or more host groups.
Hosts Filter by one or more hosts.
Name Filter by graph name.
Type Filter by graph type (Normal, Stacked, Pie, Exploded).
Width Filter by graph width.
Height Filter by graph height.
Info Filter by the presence of error information.
Inherited Filter graphs inherited (or not inherited) from a template.
Discovery Filter graphs discovered (or not discovered) by low-level discovery.

The Subfilter below the filter offers further filtering options (for the data already filtered). You can select groups of graphs with a common parameter value. Upon clicking on a group, it gets highlighted and only the graphs with this parameter value remain in the list.

Opties voor massabewerking

Onderstaande knoppen bieden enkele opties voor massabewerking:

  • Kopiëren - kopieer de grafieken naar andere hosts of sjablonen
  • Verwijderen - verwijder de grafieken

Om van deze opties gebruik te maken, vink de selectievakjes aan voor de desbetreffende grafieken, klik vervolgens op de benodigde knop.

Gebruik van filters

Je kunt grafieken filteren op hostgroep en host. Voor betere zoekprestaties wordt data gezocht met onopgeloste macros.